Worldwide's News & Other items


How's your business?

Both our clients and enquires from Trade Publication are asking the same question... how's business as you see it? 

From Worldwide's view point it's really not an easy question to answer.  Yes, we have had one cancellation - it was an automotive program - but at the same time we have had clients call to increase their inventory space, in one case to up the size of the ship they have chartered as their program participants have exceeded the companies expectations and substantially more have hit the target.

Now, on the other side of the coin, our cruise line partners are having to make some serious concessions to keep their ships filled.  Prices are down across the board, all sorts of perks from free shore excursions to on-board credits are appearing to sweeten the purchase of a cruise.

Certainly these benefits have created lots of interest and subsequent FIT bookings - in fact Princess Cruises just announced Record Sales for the week.

There is a feeling that by delaying purchasing decisions - better prices will be found, certainly this was the case, but we at Worldwide believe we are seeing the bottom with these offers and the only real advantage to our buyers will come on what are traditionally very soft sailing dates. 

Bear in mind that the Lines are filling their ships at these prices and for us to be able to find good stateroom blocks of any size on popular sailing dates is already becoming a problem especially in lieu of the fact that buyers are waiting until the last moment to make their purchase decisions so bookings are becoming much closer to sailing dates.

Worldwide encourages our buyer friends to make the first move on any cruise programs they may be considering.  Check with us for prices and availability even though you may feel it is early in the game.  Worldwide will through it's connections and purchasing power, be able to obtain the best deal for you and work with you to hold or if possible improve your position should the situation change.

Are you waiting for the phone to ring or are you dialing for dollars?

As the New Year begins with all of its uncertainty now is the time for some real positive thinking.  That goes for you as an incentive travel professional and your clients.  But even more importantly are their employees and customers. 

It is very easy to set back and blame the economy, blame the housing crash or to blame the Media for 24/7 fear mongering.  The reality is incentive business is still be written and now more than ever people need to be motivated with incentive travel being more welcomed now than ever. 

In the last 75 days, and yes that includes the great month of December Worldwide has contracted:

  • 3 whole ship charters,

  • 1 half ship group

  • Numerous groups most of which have been for 5 to 7 nights and many of them to Europe.

These groups and charters consist of Corporate anniversaries, traditional incentives, After-Sales incentive rewards, employee and customer loyalty programs.  Thinking out side of the box is now more important than ever. 

Another very noticeable trend in our office the first two weeks of this year has been the number of new inquiries for programs to be delivered in both the second and third quarters of this year.  Needless to say some companies are looking for immediate results and are thinking travel is just the ticket. 

Why travel as a reward versus the other options you have available?

  • According to most polls and reports many families globally put off traditional vacations or holidays during the holiday season and stayed closer to home.  The number of trips taken by car versus plane over this period of time increased dramatically.
  • Many people have put off taking a holiday since last summer due to economic uncertainty or fears of losing their jobs.
  • Many people have changed their travel plans due to currency conversion rates and end up going to a second tier destination due to exchange rates.
  • The bottom line there has to be a tremendous pent-up demand to take a break and hit the stress relieve valve.

Why a cruise and why NOW?

  • Cruises have traditionally been a great value with so much being included.  Now is one of the best times to find a great deal on a cruise, especially in 2009.
  • With a cruise you need half the staff of a traditional land program.
  • Unpack and pack only once.  Who wants the hassle of moving around, bus schedules, banquet food and all the hassles and stresses of a typical land programs.
  • What a better and more relaxing atmosphere to put your employees on to ask them to think about ways to cut costs and be more productive.   
  • Cruises have the highest repeat client factor of any leisure travel product.  There must be a reason, PEOPLE LIKE CRUISING!

If you’re waiting for the phone to ring you might find yourself playing more golf.  If your calling your clients and asking them what might help and suggesting that there are some great deals out there and taking a cruise ranks at the top of the list you might find yourself playing golf with your client on his incentive program in a great Caribbean Island or two. 

Call us today for ideas and finding out about some the best deals around.

Latest Cruise Report - HAL's Eurodam

Read Leon Banossian's report on his recent Eurodam experience